The Beaver Scout Promise
There are a number of variations of the Beaver Scout Promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes, and nationalities, in the UK within Scouting.
For Christians, Jews and Sikhs
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.
For Hindus and Buddhists
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love my Dharma.
For humanists, atheists and those with no defined faith
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love our world.
For Muslims
I promise to do my best
to be kind and helpful
and to love Allah.
Further information about the Promise in Scouting can be found here.
The Beaver Scout Law
There is no formal Beaver Scout Law. The concepts expressed in the Scout Law are to be presented to Beaver Scouts through games, storytelling and other informal activities.
The Beaver Scout Motto
Be prepared